Ethanol Applications
Ethanol has been used by humans since pre-historic times. It is so widely used that almost every household on earth is likely to have at least one product containing ethanol.

Consumable Ethanol
Consumable Ethanol produced from natural raw materials such as rice, cassava and sugar cane is used in many products consumed by humans.
Ethanol can be employed as a solvent to dissolve other substances for consumption or use by humans. These products can include food colorings in baking, flavorings in manufactured or processed foods or natural preservatives such as vinegar.

Household Ethanol
Household Ethanol, produced from natural raw materials or from an industrial chemistry process, is a solvent ingredient in many non-consumable products found around the average home.
Non-consumable products which use Ethanol as a solvent include glass cleaning liquids, paint strippers and hand-washing detergents, as a fuel for heating, cooking and lighting.
Personal care and beauty products such as scents, deodorants, aftershaves, hair tonics, nail varnish or nail varnish removers and perfumes may also contain Ethanol.

Biofuel Ethanol
Biofuel Ethanol is a renewable alternative source to fossil fuels for motor vehicles and industry - even some aircraft types. These fuels are commonly known as biofuel.
Brazil produces biofuel from sugar cane and is the World's second biggest producer. The United States is the World's biggest producer of ethanol biofuel, about 34 billion liters in 2008, mostly produced from corn.
Biofuel has many advantages over fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Biofuels rely on raw materials which can be grown year-after-year, making them renewable energy sources.

Beverage Ethanol
Beverage Ethanol is used as a base-spirit for the production of distilled alcoholic beverages, commonly referred to as spirits. Ethanol, as an alcoholic beverage, has been consumed by humans since pre-historic times.
Spirits may be produced from any natural raw material which can produce ethanol. Examples of raw materials used to produce spirits from Beverage Ethanol include:
- Grains: barley, rye, corn, millet and rice
- Fruits: grapes, apples, pears, coconuts and pineapples
- Vegetables: potatoes, cassava, agave, sugar cane and ginger
- Other Sources: palm sap, honey and even milk!